april 29, 2023, tashkent, uzbekistan
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ESO-recommended meeting
This seminar is officially approved by the
European School of Oncology.
First InterAsian Cancer Seminar
29 April 2023, 10:00-14:00
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Organizers: Oncoschool by Djamila Polatova / Bureau for Cancer Research

The first International Asian (InterAsian) workshop where oncologists from various countries will discuss the importance of clinical trials and real-world data.

Program is based primarily on multidisciplinary case discussion. The task is to show that the results of clinical trials can be implemented in routine practice.

Languages: English and Russian
Republican specialized scientific practical medical
center of oncology and radiology

Farobiy 383,
Olmazor district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
(Узбекистан г. Ташкент, ул. Фароби, 383)

Registration fee
  • Timur Mitin, M.D.

    Portland, United States

    Dr. Mitin is an Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, United States. He was invited to join the faculty of Harvard Medical School at the Massachusetts General Hospital, where he worked for 2 years before relocating to Oregon. Dr. Mitin is a co-author of national guidelines for management of GU malignancies written with colleagues from the American Radium Society and is an active member of ASTRO and ASCO.

  • Djamila Polatova, M.D.

    Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    Professor Djamila Polatova is the founder of “Onco school by Djamila Polatova”, head of oncology and medical radiology department of Tashkent state dental institute, General Secretary of Oncologist Association of Uzbekistan, the head of musculoskeletal tumors department of Republican scientific practical medical center of oncology and radiology. She works as orthopedic surgical oncologist and educator. Her scientific activity is dedicated to bone soft tissue and skin malignant tumors. She actively patients in educational process so that students can understand what social, legal and financial problems cancer patients face.

  • Ilya Tsimafeyeu, M.D.

    New York/Moscow, United States/Russia

    Dr. Tsimafeyeu is the founder and director of the Bureau for Cancer Research, which has been conducting numerous clinical and preclinical studies since 2007. The results of several studies were used by Eisai, OncoMax and Ruspharmtech companies to develop new products for systemic therapy. Dr. Tsimafeyeu is a Medical Oncologist, member of ASCO International Education Steering Group, and Faculty member of the College of the European School of Oncology. He is Editorial Board member of the “Kidney Cancer” (official journal of Kidney Cancer Association (USA).

  • Alisher Kahharov, M.D.

    Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    Dr. Alisher Kahharov is the associate professor of Tashkent state dental institute and vice-director of “Onco school by Djamila Polatova”. He also works as breast cancer surgical oncologist in Republican scientific practical medical center of oncology and radiology. In 2016 he made his fellowship in Inha university hospital, Republic of Korea under the mentorship of professor Young Up Cho.

    Dr. Kahharov is the Ambassador of the European School of Oncology (ESO) in Uzbekistan.

If you would like to present a case report (language: English or Russian), please send a brief description to info@oncoschool.uz
  • Jamshid Alimov
    Head, Department of Radiotherapy, Republican Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

  • Nana Otkhozoria
    Medical Oncologist, Dept. of Medical Oncology, TODUA clinic, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Gunel Musaeva
    Medical Oncologist, Dept. of Medical Oncology, Azerbaijan National Cancer Center, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Samira Makhmudova
    Medical Oncologist, Dept. of Medical Oncology, Azerbaijan National Cancer Center, Baku, Azerbaijan
Opening ceremony
10.00-10.05 Opening ceremony
D. Polatova - T. Mitin
Keynote lectures
10.05-11.00 Phase 1-3 clinical trials in oncology
I. Tsimafeyeu
11.00-11.10 Questions

11.10-11.25 Importance of Real-world data (RWD) and Real-world evidence (RWE)
T. Mitin
11.25-11.30 Questions
Multidisciplinary case presentations
11.30-12.00 Multidisciplinary case presentations: Breast cancer

12.00-12.20 Break

12.20-12.50 Multidisciplinary case presentations: Lung cancer

12.50-13.20 Multidisciplinary case presentations: GI cancers

13.20-13.50 Multidisciplinary case presentations: GU tumors

13.50-14.00 Closing remarks

Informal communication
14.00-16.00 Lunch & Informal communication
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The ESO Masterclass is a full immersion, clinical oriented event designed for medical and clinical oncologists with 3-4 years experience in oncology who would like to receive further training on the treatment of tumours from a multidisciplinary point of view. The programme exposes participants to a full spectrum of issues in clinical oncology and to practice-oriented training.
Deadline for applications:

09 July 2023

Information & Submission

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